What We Do

Collaboration & Innovation

CTEM’s vision is to support BC mining jobs today and in the future by collaborating with industry, training partners and communities.

About CTEM

Development & Training for Career Seekers

There are over 120 careers in the BC minerals industry. Information on various occupations are now just a click away.

Start Your Journey

Resources for BC’s Indigenous Communities

CTEM is committed to being an organization that incorporates the spirit of reconciliation.

View our Resources

Canadian Mining Certi­fication

The Canadian Mining Certification Program is the first (and only) national mining worker certification program of its kind in Canada.

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Our Current Projects

Underground Miner Training Project

The project followed the delivery of underground miner training at three different sites across British Columbia to confirm a path to provide local, site-specific training that aligned with provincial regulations and national occupational standards and provided skills recognition for the…

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Become an Under­ground Miner

CTEM collaborated with partners to develop site-specific curriculum and to support the launch of pilot projects in urban, rural, and remote locations. Partners include local Indigenous communities, Mining Industry of Human Resource (MiHR), training providers, and operating underground mines.

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Underground Male Miner

CTEM Partners

CTEM partners with training providers, Indigenous communities, associations, and government to support the development of training solutions that meets the needs of BC’s mining industry.

View our partners
Indigenous & Local Communities
Post-Secondary Training Institutions
Students & Job Seekers
Host Institution
Primary Funder

Career Spotlight

B.C. has been one of the world’s major mining regions since the mid-1800s and to this day is a key international player. These are real stories of professionals working in B.C.’s mining industry.

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