CTEM is overseen by an Advisory and Executive Council along with organizational oversight provided by relevant committees. CTEM’s Advisory Council is progressive and diverse in providing high-level guidance and strategic expertise. Additional organizational oversight with an added focus on the day-to-day operations is provided by CTEM’s Executive Council.

Roben Van Hislop

Roben Van Hislop

Chair of CTEM
Estimator, WSP Applied Solutions

Roben is a Construction Estimator with WSP Applied Solutions Inc. and has worked for over 10 years in the fields of mining and tunneling, heavy civil, environmental, ground improvement, and marine projects.

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Based in WSP Applied Solutions Inc. Vancouver office, Roben is responsible for project cost estimating in all project phases including developing detailed cost and budget estimates, design coordination with engineering teams, risk assessment, constructability review, and final tender package preparation and submission. Roben has extensive experience preparing and responding to contract mining work packages and has worked closely with a wide range of projects from the pre-feasibility stage, through permitting, operation, and closure.

Heather Hamilton

Heather Hamilton

Vice-Chair of CTEM
Associate Director, Thompson Rivers University

For the last 30 years, Heather Hamilton has dedicated her career to both the resource sector and education. With a wealth of experience in post-secondary education, business, marketing, proposal writing, and contract management, she brings a diverse skill set to her work.

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Currently serving as the Associate Director of Community Education and Workforce Development at Thompson Rivers University, Heather holds a Master of Leadership and has significant project management expertise and program development.


Her role involves fostering connections between communities, government entities, educational institutions, and employers. Additionally, Heather oversees the TRU regional centers and spearheads the School of Trades and Technology – Women in Trades Training and Indigenous People in Trades Training initiative. She is an active member of Women in Mining – South Central and contributes to various provincial and national mining and trades-related committees including MiHR’s Standing Committee on Skills Development and Recognition.

Wayne Kaboni

Wayne Kaboni

Past-Chair of CTEM
General Manager, Citxw Nlaka'pamux Assembly

Wayne Kaboni is a proud Ojibway from Wikwemikong in Ontario, he is single father of two sons and one daughter, he has dedicated his life and activities to the social and cultural development of youth, he is also a strong advocate of First Nation language as a tool for cultural memory and learning.

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He has over 30 years’ experience as a successful Entrepreneur and as a business mentor. He has spoken at many conferences and events about business development, entrepreneurship and community development.

He is currently the Manager of a Community Based organization representing eight Nlaka’pamux Indian Bands to manage elements of a IBA with a mine and the Province of British Columbia. Since the Citxw Nlaka’pamux Assembly operational beginnings in April 2014 he has guided the establishment of a Language Initiative, Educational Bursaries, several Mine related training programs, Environmental Stewardship Department, Environmental Monitoring Business and KenTem Limited Partnership.

Wayne has worked in both private and public roles.  In the public sector he was National Facilitator Aboriginal Employment Services Network, National Association of Friendship Centres, Ottawa, Ontario. He successfully programmed and developed a national on-line electronic job and resume bank.

Jill Tsolinas

Jill Tsolinas

Executive Director of CTEM, Advisory & Executive Council Member

Jill Tsolinas is the Executive Director of the Centre of Training Excellence in Mining and also Past-Chair of the Association of Mineral Exploration British Columbia where she is serving her twelfth year as a Director.

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Jill Tsolinas has nearly two decades of experience in the mining industry and post-secondary training, and over ten years of leadership experience. She has worked with junior, medium, and senior mining companies throughout her career. Her experience also includes working with training providers (private and public) to provide current, industry relevant training on projects locally, provincially, nationally, and internationally. Many of her local initiatives have been picked up and adapted for other locations.

She has a Masters with a thesis on community and industry equity sharing and a B.A. in Geography with a concentration in Sociology

With a focus on partner engagement, communication, and corporate governance, she desires to see the continual development and incorporation of collaborative practices to sustain BC as a centre of mineral excellence.

Leah Bradish

Leah Bradish

CTEM Advisory Council Member
Director - Continuing Education, Contract Training and Campus Operations, College of the Rockies

Leah Bradish, BBA, MBA is the Director of Continuing Education, Contract Training and Regional Campus Operations for College of the Rockies. Leah holds a Bachelor’s of Applied Arts in Journalism from Ryerson University and an MBA from Athabasca University.

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Following an earlier career as a reporter and editor, Leah has been employed in BC’s post-secondary system for 20 years where she has been a change-maker through creating and delivering industry-relevant education in BC. She ran the Continuing Education department at the Fort St. John campus of Northern Lights College in the late nineties, then spent 13 years as the Fernie Campus Manager of College of the Rockies before starting her job as Director in Cranbrook. Leah has worked with both the oil and gas industry and mining in her roles at these colleges. One of her key accomplishments at COTR was and most launching the Haul Truck Operator program. In 2012-2013 she also managed the Secretariat supporting the Kootenay Regional Skills Training Plan. She is passionate about creating and delivering industry-relevant education in BC. Leah has an unwavering passion for empowering women and other equity-deserving individuals into non-traditional employment related to trades and mining.

Jonathan Buchanan

Jonathan Buchanan

CTEM Advisory & Executive Council Member
VP, Policy and Advocacy, Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia

As VP, Policy and Advocacy, Jonathan is responsible for advancing policy initiatives that impact mineral exploration and development. These initiatives are wide-ranging and include permitting, reconciliation, land access and use, geoscience, and financial incentives among many other topics. Jonathan also helps to drive AME’s three-year strategic work plan by ensuring the annual work plans are completed and members are kept informed.

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Jonathan joined AME in 2005. Jonathan grew up in the mining town of Elliot Lake, Ontario, and first moved to BC to study at the University of British Columbia, graduating with a B.A. in Geography. In addition to a background in communications for the mineral exploration and mining sector, Jonathan has studied, lived, and worked in Japan, and is the author of Inside the Torii Gate: The Journal of an Exchange Student in Japan.


He served as 2015-2016 Chair of the BC Technical & Research Committee on Reclamation, on which he represents AME and is a member of the Health & Safety Committee of the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada. He has received the Advanced Communicator Gold award from Toastmasters International, and is an active member of Vancore Toastmasters.

Freda Campell

Freda Campell

CTEM Advisory Council Member

Freda Campbell is a member of the Tahltan Nation, Crow Clan, and Dekama family.  She has lived, worked and played in Tahltan Territory for over 30 years, and she has resided in communities directly impacted by mining for over 15 years. Campbell is dedicated to empowering British Columbia’s Indigenous workforce, powering innovation in Indigenous community engagement, and mentoring the next generation of Indigenous leaders.

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As Director of Employment and Training for the Tahltan Central Government, she developed OnTrack: Tahltan Essential Skills Database, that allows Tahltan people to access job opportunities in their Territory and allows the Nation to hold employers accountable to their IBA’s. OnTrack has also revolutionized how the industry views applicant eligibility for jobs in the mining industry.

As the Director of Community Relations with Skeena Resources, the goals Campbell developed for the Tahltan Mentorship Program are to prepare Tahltan mentees for management roles in the mining industry and connect mentees with Tahltan Territory, culture, and community. The program provides opportunities for the Tahltan mentees to go home to Tahltan Territory, many for the first time, to connect with their families and participate in cultural activities.

Freda Campbell, was awarded the 2023 Indigenous Trailblazer Award by Women in Mining Canada, which recognizes and celebrates the contribution of Indigenous Women to the development of the Canadian Mining Industry.

Steve Cook

Steve Cook

CTEM Advisory Council Member
Professional Geologist, Independent / Consultant

Stephen Cook, M.Sc. P.Geo. FGC, has almost four decades of experience in mineral exploration and exploration research. Stephen is a geochemical consultant and was formerly Chief Geochemist, Exploration at Teck Resources Limited during 2006-2018. Prior to joining then-Teck Cominco, he ran his own consultancy for two years, and was senior geochemist at Anglo American in Vancouver during 2000-2004.  He was project geochemist at the British Columbia Geological Survey during the period 1991-2000.

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Stephen received a B.Sc. (Honours) degree in geology from Carleton University in 1984, and a M.Sc. from The University of British Columbia in 1991.

He is a past member of the APEGBC Geoscience Committee and the Geoscience BC Technical Advisory Committee.  He is currently Past President of the Association of Applied Geochemists, after serving as President for 2018-2019.

Charles Daley

Charles Daley

CTEM Advisory & Executive Council Member
Community Engagement Specialist, Integris Consulting Ltd.

Charles Daley has nearly two decades of experience in the mining industry, providing services to resource companies across the mining lifecycle. From Indigenous and stakeholder engagement, and strategic planning to corporate development and investor relations, he has worked with junior and mid-sized explorers, developers and producers with projects in Canada, the US and Latin America as well as the BC Provincial Government. He is a business graduate from Cal Poly Humboldt and is a recipient of the Award of Achievement in Sustainability Management from the University of British Columbia.

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Daley specializes in building long-term collaborative relationships, project-based education and training initiatives, engagement and integrative procurement and hiring strategies. In his previous role as Corporate Social Responsibility Manager with Avino Silver & Gold Mines, Daley in conjunction with North Island College and St’at’imc Government Services, facilitated 3 cohorts for the training of 36 members of the St’at’imc First Nation in “Mining Fundamentals” for future job opportunities at the Bralorne Mine. Daley currently provides Community Engagement and Indigenous Relations services for Blackstone Minerals Ltd., Endurance Gold Corp., Neotech Metals and BC’s Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure where he is the Indigenous Relations Lead for the Cariboo Roads Recovery Project – Riprap / Gravel Program.

Daley was a key contributor to CTEM’s Underground Miner Subject Mater Expert Committee and has been engaged in CTEM’s Underground Miner Project since 2016.

Sonia D’Ambra

Sonia D’Ambra

CTEM Advisory Council Member
Adjunct Professor, Simon Fraser University and University of British Columbia

Sonia D’Ambra, Ph.D., P.Eng. is a Rock Mechanics Engineer with over 20 years of experience in academia and consulting related to rock mass characterization, slope engineering design, interaction analysis, and numerical modelling for surface and underground excavations. She has been involved in the design, operation and management of pit slopes, underground mines and civil works throughout North America and overseas. She is currently the general manager at Itasca Consulting Canada Inc. where she holds full profit and loss responsibility for Canada.

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Sonia enjoys passing on her knowledge as a mentor and a university lecturer, and is an adjunct professor at UBC and SFU.
Sonia values fairness and believes in values-based leadership to create a work environment that encourages self-awareness, perspective-taking and empathy, fosters creativity and supports the development of personal strengths.

Lauren DeGaine

Lauren DeGaine

CTEM Advisory Council Member
Policy Analyst, Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training

Lauren DeGaine joined the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training (AEST) in January 2021 as a co-op student with the Post-Secondary Programs Branch. After completing a Masters degree in English at the University of Victoria, Lauren rejoined the branch in October 2021 as a Research Analyst. She currently works as a Policy Analyst in two units in the branch – the Technology, Arts & Sciences Education unit and the Adult Education unit. Prior to completing her graduate degree and joining AEST, Lauren spent 14 years working in customer service roles in various sectors, mainly hospitality and education.

Lana Eagle

Lana Eagle

CTEM Advisory Council Member
Independent / Consultant

Lana Eagle is an Indigenous Relations Strategist and a Social Innovator advising companies on how to better engage and work with Indigenous communities and to find a pathway forward through a Reconciliation framework. She also works with clients to develop Indigenous Engagement Protocols. Her background is in banking, economic development, wealth management and mineral exploration.

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In being one of the first Aboriginal to Chair a junior mineral exploration company, she was a “pioneer” for Aboriginal women. She is also an avid volunteer. Lana joined AME’s Aboriginal Relations Committee in 2012 where she served as Chair for 6 years. In 2017 she was elected to the Board of AME, being the first Indigenous woman to serve as a Director in its over 100 year history. She is a Program Advisory Committee Member for Mining and Mineral Exploration at the BC Institute of Technology, and Co-Chair of the Canadian Institute of Mining Diversity and Inclusion Program Advisory Committee. She also sits on the Advisory Boards of SEF Canada and Bridge Consulting. Recently she has been nominated to the Advisory Board of DPI Mining and appointed to the Indigenous Business and Investment Council for the Province of BC.

Lana is a sought out speaker and lecturer on the topic of “Indigenous Engagement and Reconciliation in Canada”, as well as “Diversity and Inclusion.” Lana is a member of the Whitecap Dakota First Nation in Saskatchewan.

Derek Holmes

Derek Holmes

CTEM Advisory Council Member
Executive Director, BC Stone, Sand and Gravel

Derek Holmes is an industry veteran with more than 20 years of experience in construction based aggregates.  He holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental chemistry from the University of Victoria, a Master of Business Administration from Simon Fraser University and is a Registered Professional Chemist in B.C.

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Derek has worked primarily in British Columbia developing, operating and managing aggregate based operations for a number of clients and businesses over the years and currently works as an independent mining industry consultant.  Derek has been involved in all aspects of the industry ranging from complex stakeholder relations to mergers and acquisitions to ownership in a quarry producing high quality granite to customers in the Lower Mainland.  Derek is a member of the Board of Directors of the B.C. Stone, Sand and Gravel Association, served two terms as President, and currently is the Association’s Executive Director.

Douglas Jamieson

Douglas Jamieson

CTEM Advisory & Executive Council Member
Former Director of Regional Education, College of New Caledonia (CNC)

Douglas Jamieson is the former Director of Regional Education at the College of New Caledonia (CNC), where he worked directly with First Nation & community leaders across BC’s central interior who are seeking relevant post-secondary education options for students in their communities. An adept listener, Douglas enjoys collaborating and considering effective ways to conduct post-secondary training and education delivery, to better serve the needs of students, industry, and communities.

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Douglas has come to appreciate the dedication of Canada’s mining industry to improve training practices, operational sustainability, and community benefits. Critical mineral mining in Canada is essential for supporting the ongoing transition to the digital economy and broader economic changes from electrification of the country’s energy and transportation infrastructure.


Douglas looks forward to continuing his contribution to the BC mining sector through CTEM and a more active leadership role working with the other Executive Council members. He is also a member of the Standing Committee on Skills Development and Recognition with the Mining Industry Human Resource Council of Canada (MiHR) and is a cheerleader of the work to standardize training best practices across the country.

Elaine Jang

Elaine Jang

CTEM Finance Committee Chair
Director of Finance, Allnorth Consultants Ltd.

Elaine is an accomplished leader with 25 years of managerial and consulting experience.  Her career has extended across industries including Mining, Engineering Consulting, Health Care, Utility and Telecom.  She has expertise in Financial Planning & Analysis, Financial & Operational reporting, Business Process Improvement, Cost and Project Management.

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Elaine is currently the Director of Finance of Allnorth Consultants Ltd.  Prior to joining Allnorth, she was an independent consultant with BC Hydro and Telus as her major clients.  She has also co-founded a project delivery consulting firm, PDO Solutions, and was a Senior Finance and Accounting Manager at Hatch Ltd.  Through these experiences she has demonstrated her ability to work collaboratively, communicate effectively and build trust.

Elaine is a graduate of BCIT, in Financial Management, and holds an Executive MBA from Simon Fraser University.  She is certified as a Prosci Change Practitioner and Prince2 Agile Practitioner.  Elaine has been on CTEM’s Finance Committee since October 2016, an Advisory Council member from 2018 – 2021, and has held the role of Finance Committee Chair since 2019.

Laurie-Lynn Kallio

Laurie-Lynn Kallio

CTEM Advisory & Executive Council Member
Regional Contracts Officer, Coast Mountain College

As a Regional Contracts Officer for Coast Mountain College, Laurie-Lynn Kallio coordinates a wide range of educational and experiential place-based learning opportunities from mining to health care. Her position includes managing multiple projects, writing proposals and working on tripartite agreements with industry, Indigenous groups and government to meet identified educational needs.

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Laurie-Lynn has a Bachelor of Human Resources and Labour Relations, Chartered Professional in Human Resources designation and a Provincial Instructor Diploma. She has contributed to MiHR’s Steering Committee on the Gearing Up project and to curriculum development for underground mining for CTEM.

Personally, she is a triathlete and volunteer for the Canadian Red Cross.

Sean Kingsley

Sean Kingsley

CTEM Advisory Council Member
Mining Finance & Communications Specialist, Independent / Consultant

Sean Kingsley provides strategic consultation for several publicly listed junior resource companies. He has 12 years’ experience within the mineral exploration, mining and development sector. He specializes in corporate development, strategic marketing, consultation, investor relations/awareness & capital raising. Mr. Kingsley has a strong grass-roots & investor network, a firm understanding of the financial markets and experience in utilizing diverse methods for public communications globally.

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At the Association for Mineral Exploration BC (“AME”) he served as Chairman of its Communications and Marketing Committee from 2014-18 and remains as Chair to its Mineral Exploration Editorial Committee. He sits on the Executive, Advisory Council & Finance Committee for the Centre of Training Excellence in Mining (“CTEM”). All the while, he hosts Vancouver’s premier monthly networking event and founded a networking reception which is sponsored by leading industry service-related companies during major mineral exploration and mining conferences.

Sean has a grass-roots network, a strong understanding of the financial markets, and experience in utilizing diverse methods for communications.

Aldea Lavallie

Aldea Lavallie

CTEM Advisory Council Member
Social Performance Lead, Newmont

Aldea Lavallie was born and raised in Northern British Columbia. For the last thirty-seven years she has worked closely with a number of northern Indigenous communities in various roles. Early in her career the roles included non-profit positions within the family support, education, and social service sectors. These previous experiences enabled her to develop an advanced skill set of collaboration working with a diverse range of people. Aldea brought these skills along with numerous others to her various positions within the mining industry. For the last 19 years she has held Human Resources and Community Relations positions in the Northern BC and Yukon mining industry. In these positions, she focused on community engagement, employment, and training.

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Aldea’s mining career enjoyed many highlights. She was recognized in the Barrick Gold’s quarterly newsletter as a “pioneers A Safety First” of mining because of the development of a new position in the mining industry the Social Development Coordinator. In the spring of 2008 AMEBC published their Stepping Stone Issue 5, an article that is titled “Support in all the Right Places, Eskay Creek Mine initiates an industry first in employee wellbeing” that featured Aldea and her position with Barrick Gold. She led and presented the results of the Wolverine Mine Heavy Equipment Certification Pilot Project at the 3rd Annual Yukon First Nations Conference in 2012 and in 2013 she was presented with the Yukon Chamber of Mines Community Award at the 2012 Yukon Geoscience Forum Awards. The award was for the workshop development and community presentations “Working in the Mining Industry.”   Aldea maintains a holistic, person-centered approach in her various roles.

Tim McEwan

Tim McEwan

CTEM Advisory Council Member
Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Mining Association of British Columbia

Tim McEwan is Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs with the Mining Association of British Columbia (MABC), a role he assumed in April 2021.

Tim’s career as a senior executive spans more than 25 years in public policy, economic development and business advocacy in both the public and private sectors.

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During his time in the BC public service, Tim served as Deputy Minister of Small Business, Red Tape Reduction, and Liquor Distribution; Associate Deputy Minister of the BC Major Investments Office, charged with accelerating permitting and authorizations for complex major natural resource and infrastructure projects; and founding Executive Director (Assistant Deputy Minister) of the BC Progress Board, a board of blue-chip CEO’s tasked with benchmarking BC’s performance and providing strategic advice to the Premier of British Columbia.

Tim’s work in economic development also includes serving as President & CEO of Initiatives Prince George Development Corporation — the economic development authority for Prince George, BC – where he was responsible for collaborative cross-organizational efforts to advance the city as a globally connected, knowledge-based, resource economy hub.

Apart from his current role with MABC, Tim has also worked with other leading BC business associations, including most recently the Independent Contractors and Businesses Association as Senior Vice President, Policy & Stakeholder Engagement. Early in his career, he was Director, Programs & Policy with the Business Council of BC, where he worked on public policy advocacy initiatives, including the landmark multi-association, two-year BC Business Summit process.

Tim has served as a member of the Deputy Ministers Council of BC and the Board of Governors of the Business Council of BC, along with numerous other government and non-profit organizations.

Tim holds a B.A and an M.P.A. from the University of Victoria, and lives with his wife Cynthia McEwan in Tsawwassen, BC.

Uche Okpalugo

Uche Okpalugo

CTEM Advisory Council Member
HR & People Lead, Zynergy HR

Uche is a Principal Consultant for Zynergy HR, a people consultancy firm focused on the mining industry. He is an experienced Senior HR Professional with a demonstrated history of working in the private and public organizations. Uche is skilled in HR Consulting, Talent Management, HR Strategy, Operations, Project Management, and Collaboration.

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Uche’s mining experience spans across various jurisdictions (Alberta, NWT, Yukon, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia) and commodities (coal, diamonds, gold & silver).

Uche has been on the Advisory Council of the Chartered Professionals in Human Resources of British Columbia and Yukon (BPHR BC & Yukon) for the past three years. He has also worked with under-represented groups as well as a number of remote communities.

Mike Schoen

Mike Schoen

CTEM Advisory Council Member
Senior Instructor Departments of Mining and Mineral Processing and Chemical & Biological Engineering, University of British Columbia

Mike Schoen teaches in the Departments of Chemical and Biological Engineering and Mining and Mineral Processing at the University of British Columbia, where he is Associate Professor Emeritus of Teaching and has taught for 34 years.

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He holds a M.A. Energy and Mineral Resources, Petroleum Engineering, from the University of Texas at Austin (1985); a M.A. English, from the University of Texas at Austin (1983); and B.A. Hons. English, from Simon Fraser University (1979). Mike has been an Advisory Council member of CTEM since 2014 and has held leadership roles of Finance Committee Chair and Executive Council member.


Mike Schoen served as lead Director, Chair of the Audit, Compensation and Corporate Governance Committees for Bucking Horse Energy from 1996-2013. From 2003-2013 he served as Director, Chairman of the Board, and Chair of the Audit Committee, for Gemini Energy. From 1992-2005 he was Director of Netco Energy, Cubix Acquisitionco, Ultra Petroleum Holdings, CubixUltra Petroleum, Ultra Petroleum and Ris Resources. He was a founding Director of Ultra Petroleum, which today is known as PureWest Energy, the largest producer of natural gas in Wyoming.

Tracey Sexton

Tracey Sexton

CTEM Finance Committee Member
Senior Stakeholder Engagement Specialist,BC Financial Services Authority

Tracey is an experienced stakeholder engagement and communications professional. She has recently held leadership positions serving as Director, Communications and Corporate Affairs at the Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia (AME) where she supported exploration and development projects since joining AME BC team in early 2010. Tracey was a CTEM Advisory Council members from 2016 – 2021.

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During her time at AME BC, Tracey was a member of the BC Human Resources Mining Task Force, a team lead on the Diversity Women committee and currently lead support on the integrated social responsibility committee and the communications and marketing committee. She is currently Senior Stakeholder Engagement specialist at the B.C. regulator for the financial services sector.  Tracey has a Master’s Degree from Royal Roads University in Professional Communications to complement her Project Management Certificate from UBC.

Lynda Smithard

Lynda Smithard

CTEM Advisory & Executive Council Member
Chief Operating Officer, McCue Engineering Contractors

Lynda Smithard, P.Eng., is a Professional Environmental Engineer with over 28 years experience. She is an industry leader in both the Mining and Environment industries as a cleantech provider.

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Lynda spent 12 years in engineering consulting where she focused on brownfield remediation and water treatment and it took her to locations across North America. She joined McCue Engineering Contractors in 2008 as an owner and is leading the engineering team at McCue.  She led the engineering team in the development of PANAQUA Water & Wastewater Systems for mining and TIPs for Water Treatment, a training program to create meaningful jobs in the mining industry and transferrable skills for Indigenous workers.

Lynda brings broad experience as an employer, from her work experience, and from her volunteer work with Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia (EGBC) as a Competency Assessor.   Lynda is passionate about careers and diversity in STEM fields, and is a member of the EGBC’s EDI and Truth & Reconciliation Working Group.  She is also a competitor and advocate of Women’s road cycling.

Garth Thompson

Garth Thompson

CTEM Advisory Council Member
Director, Policy and Regulatory Reform, BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation

Garth Thomson is the acting Director, Policy and Regulatory Reform, at the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources where he has worked since 2017. As part of this portfolio, he oversees the implementation of a wide range of policy files, including implementation of the Mining Jobs Task Force recommended actions.

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Garth brings previous industry experience having worked in mineral exploration and mine development both in Canada and overseas. He also brings international perspective having recently worked at the Canadian International Resources and Development Institute (CIRDI) hosted at UBC.

Garth holds a BA in Political Science from the University of Victoria, an MASc in Mining Engineering from UBC and a Certificate of Project Management from UBC Sauder School of Business.

Derek Turner

Derek Turner

CTEM Advisory Council Member
Chair, Earth and Environmental Science Department, Douglas College

Derek is a geoscience educator who is passionate about inspiring students and the public to see how geology and mineral exploration are important to their daily lives. He is an advocate of getting people outside to experience geology first-hand and of using technology and open educational resources to make geology more accessible to the public.

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Derek is a Professional Geologist with Engineers and Geoscientists BC. He believes that doing is the best way to learn Geoscience and provides opportunities for students to explore innovative ways of bringing the field experience to them through the purposeful use of technology.

When he isn’t teaching, Derek consults on terrain and surficial geology projects for infrastructure and resource development across western and northern Canada, and researches the timing and causes of Pleistocene glaciations in the Canadian Cordillera. Derek currently teaches and is the Chair of the Earth and Environmental Science department at Douglas College.

Dave Webb

Dave Webb

CTEM Finance Committee Member
Professional Geologist, DRW Geological Consultants

Dr. Dave Webb is a Registered Professional Geologist and Registered Professional Engineer with over 30 years of experience in mineral exploration, development and production in Canada and internationally. He holds a B.A.Sc. in engineering from the University of Toronto, a M.Sc. in Geological Sciences from Queen’s University and a Ph.D. in Geological Sciences from the University of Western Ontario.  During his tenures as president of both public and private companies, projects have been developed from pre-discovery to production.

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During this period companies under Dr. Webb’s management have raised over $80 million in development funds.  This includes permitting and developing the only active gold mine in the Northwest Territories, Canada and first in the past 30 years.  As a consultant, he co-authored a Qualifying Report recommending the acquisition of an exploration property which has now been developed into Fortune Mineral’s Nico Project, NWT, a gold, cobalt IOCG deposit hosting the world’s largest reserves of bismuth, currently in permitting. Dave has worked with associations and training organizations to support industry-specific training in NWT.